The Law and the New Covenant


Jeremiah 31 does not do away with the law nor is it referring to the New Testament. The New or renewed covenant is a sacred relationship between YHVH and a true believer and obedient servant.

 Read about the New Covenant with an open mind and it is all in the Scriptures!

Jeremiah 31 does not do away with the law, but instead it magnifies it and adds a one on one relationship with the Father!

Starting in :30 (No longer will individual sins be attributable to the collected mass.) “Instead, everyone will die for his own sin;…” :31 ”…I will make a new covenant with (both) the House of Israel and Judah.”

This means that other ten tribes separate from Judah or the Jews are also a part of the new covenant. Judah includes the tribe of Simeon, and part of Benjamin. The "lost" ten tribes are still relevant in this context.

It is most advantageous to read all of Jeremiah chapter 31 with an open mind and knowledge of the tribes. The ‘new testament church’ replacement theory has no significance here. It is clearly a case of YHVH and the combined House of Israel consisting of Israel (north) and Judah or the Jews today (south).

Jeremiah 31 is partially or fully ignored or misunderstood by most Christian denominations. Most churches believe that they are “Spiritual Israel” and that the new covenant spoken of here applies specifically and exclusively to them. Are they part of the ten northern tribes or Jews? Jesus (Yeshua) plainly preached the good news to “the lost sheep of the House of Israel” — the northern ten tribes. It was Paul years after that wanted to go to the Gentiles. Preaching the good news of the kingdom of (Israel) God was to go out to the whole world for the lost sheep according to Yeshua himself.

Who and where are the ten tribes and what does that mean for us today? A closer look reveals the scriptures are applicable to those individuals or assemblies that are at one with and keeping the law. “My law” YHVH states not the Mosaic law or Jewish law (It is all His law as the author of it!) … and He will “put it in your heart.” His law will be in the heart and mind of believers and they can and will obey. Anyone saying the law is done away with is directly contradicting this new covenant scripture.

This “law” is not a new law— but references the Torah or first five books of the Tanakh or Old Testament. It is a renewal covenant to be kept as it is revealed to us in a new personal way. Neither is it a watered down version– there is no ‘do away with the law’ statement included in ANY of these verses.

This series of verses would have been a perfect time for YHVH, who knows all things to tell us we are only under GRACE, and the law is of no effect. Not so. But, we must choose and submit to Him in obedience. We must submit to His working with our hearts and minds.

We all make choices everyday as to what our conduct will be and where we allow our thoughts to take us. Without the connection with the Father directly and keeping the law, there is no communication or relationship possible. Relationship is what the New Covenant consists of-- a direct relationship that is real and not make believe or play time. This is a promise!

Sadly many go just the opposite direction here and construe these verses as a basis for moving away from anything Judaic or the law and start quoting NT verses that could contradict or indicate the law is of no effect. If the other verses seemingly contradict this statement which is a direct quote from the Father above, I err with YHVH. He wrote the 10 commandments on stone with His finger… Now the commands are to be engraved on our hearts (by YHVH) of those chosen by Him and who respond to Him! Read closely what it says in :33

“I will put my law in their minds and write it in their hearts.”

“I (YHVH) will be their God and they (these people) will be My people.”

These verses do not include nor mention an intercessor or mediator such as: a Son, a King, a Priest, a Church, or individual that is to be necessary to gain access and have a relationship with Him. In the past it might have been a prophet (seer) or priest. None of them are in this series of verses as being a requirement any more. The very Creator of the universe wants a personal one to one relationship with you! One cannot read into this verse what isn’t there and make guesses or hypotheses!

YHVH is declaring He is the one and only God and the source of the law, and He is not a Trinity or multiple beings, and the relationship shall be reestablished with the combined Tribes of Israel/Judah. If one isn't Jewish, where does that leave us? An adopted son or daughter!

To be aligned with these verses, many claim that ten modern nations today are the northern tribes and in fact itemize each son of (Jacob) Israel and hypothesize the nation and location of each today according to prophesy. Be cautious! A false prophet is known by lies. Therefore, you are to prove all things in this matter.

YHVH Himself states He will (have to) gather the ten tribes or Ephraim as they were also know because they are scattered around the earth (Yeshua attested to this) and its a more personal and individual call to covenant. These will be gathered and return to the land promised to them once again for a kingdom of YHVH on earth. It is the Father who will set Himself up on earth and reveal Himself to a righteous elect of His chosen ones. Too many times, the house or combined tribes of Israel wanted a king, a priest or a messiah instead of the Creator Eternal One Himself… This is a shame!

To broadly stroke the potpourri of people and races of modern nations as descendants of the individual members of Israel implying the whole country of France for example is Reuben is pushing hypothetical boundaries. Our Father knows each and every one! Is the whole population or country of France a chosen member of Israel and headed to the greater Jerusalem area? That does not fit the criteria laid out in these passages and others. We hear rumors of the lost tribes in documentaries and studies by archeologists.

A thorough examination of the verses relevant state that in fact the “lost” northern tribes of Israel were not completely lost or "stamped out". Scripture tells us when understood properly and in context that YHVH did save at least a remnant of the northern tribes of Israel from annihilation and allowed them to flourish again. Are additional or outside sources reliable on the matter? Yes.

A lot of the evidence is locked away in the books of the Apocrypha. Christian leaders-- both Catholic and later Protestant did not want to claim them as canonical. The Protestants wanted no part of them as time went on because it appears there are references to purgatory. But if we take some time to read them it becomes fairly clear. These books help fill in the cracks and voids of history. We are talking about works that are old or older than what is in the Bible now.

The Bible actually mentions and quotes from several works that the Roman Church or Protestant Fathers never allowed to become a part of the final collection of the Canon. Despite that, the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hamadi have opened up additional literary opportunities. The 1611 edition of the Bible has several of these books in them; they were later removed from the Protestant Bible, but can be found in a collection called the Apocrypha in Catholic or NRSV Bibles.

These unique books give us insight, but were most likely shunned because they plainly teach that “obedience and works” are required, and that the laws of the Almighty are holy, just and good. It's a terrible thing that they advocate for the law that the new covenant espouses! Some of these works are better than others.

Gnostic or “knowledge” portions from various sects sporadically appear in a few places in some of the works to contradict Protestant afterlife beliefs as mentioned earlier. (Scripture does not teach Purgatory.) These were additions to some of the verses at a later time and some have been copies of copies or different language versions. A survey of several translations of Jubilees for example clear up the confusion. It is a good read. It has an interesting history. It is not as old as others.

What is really positive about some of these Apocrypha books is the fact that for the most part- “religious” translators have been hands off and have not corrupted the message to fit their narrative. It has been mostly kept in the translator’s possession or archives. Catholics view them as historical and not for official use and could care less about them… thankfully unlike some of the “heretics” works, these have mostly been preserved without change or "additional editing."

The book of Tobit reveals that during Assyrian captivity life was not so bad for a portion of the northern tribes. There were collections of multiple tribes to the northeast and west of Mede that flourished and kept the Sabbath and Feasts! More about this in THE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL. We also find many fled south when Assyria invaded.

Those that heeded the warnings in the north were spared. Several of our favorite prophets warned of the coming doom and these were heeded in many instances by several thousands. Believers were able to escape.

Miraculously, YHVH saved the southern tribe(s) of Judah, Simeon, Levi, and possibly remnants of others from Assyrian advancement while the northern tribes were under attack— killing some 450K soldiers Himself, stopping the advance southward. You would think that seeing their brothers— the northern Tribes taken into captivity would have changed Judah’s (Jews) heart as a nation. Undoubtedly, some did heed the warning. But, not their leader! They–Judah would later meet the same fate brought instead by the Babylonians.

Why the captivity? For Ephraim–the northern tribes failed to rest their land the seventh year, nor did they return it to its rightful owners, nor did they free their captive servants or slaves as required.

The combined house of Israel both north and south constantly broke the covenant and paid penalties multiple times. Enough was enough! This led YHVH to make a NEW covenant with those that follow(ed) Him. After extending grace and mercy countless times, the breaking of the Old Covenant made way for a path for new converts. It is all laid out… not in the NT, but the OLD!

What we must also understand is that the law is keep-able. We read of the many “righteous” followers of YHVH. Humans are capable of keeping the Creator’s law—He made us and knows our capabilities. To order the death penalty upon sinners means that WE conversely are capable of obedience to His law. Christian sects have pretty well taught that there are no requirements of keeping the law–stating we are incapable and have pushed a false narrative to not even try or that it is not necessary. Yeshua did not even teach that! He stated the commandments are holy, just, and good. Remember the quote, “Think not that I have come to destroy the law (Torah or first five books) or the prophets (Next part of scripture)…

Which of the commandments are so difficult that it is impossible for us to keep them? The murder one, honoring your parents… the Sabbath? If we choose to not do certain things then we are breaking the law. Yeshua or the church fathers even made some parts of the law stricter or the understanding of them clearer. If you conspire to kill someone in your heart or hate someone to the point of wanting to take action if the circumstance presents itself—you are guilty–of a lesser offense or the “spirit of the law” for sure. Plucking corn to eat as you are walking by the field is not considered work as some of the Pharisees wanted to make Sabbath keeping intolerable and impossible to keep. And some kept it so strictly that they were not willing to help someone in need because that might be “work” and breaking the law.

It is most important for those that believe similarly to assemble with those that hold the same or very similar beliefs, values and standards. Worship, praise, and singing can all be a part of our daily interaction with and honoring Yah. The Sabbath— Sacred Assembly must be composed of an interaction with YHVH and a thanksgiving memorial of His creation, and a celebration of the future REST of His reign on earth among us.

The 10 commandments and applicable statutes serve as a guide in our relationship with Him and our neighbors. They certainly are the integral thread that binds us together with Him and our fellow brothers as His assembly of believers in the NEW COVENANT.

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