Creation v Evolution: The Zebra Challenge

The zebra presents problems for anyone serious enough to explain how they got their stripes. Read on for a detailed look into the shortcomings of evolutionary theory.

zebra staring into camera

The Intelligent Design of Creation

An article in The Atlantic gives insight into the study of a scientist and his findings as to why zebras have stripes. The conclusion is that the pattern deters flies from landing on their backs and biting/spreading disease, etc. In the zebra’s native environment, blood-sucking, flying insects are a huge problem! Prior studies by other scientists concluded the stripes were just great camouflage.

Let’s go back to the evolution comment! “They (the stripes) evolved.” Excuse me? Yes, this is the same old explanation that originated with Darwin and anchors scientific research to this day. Thus this aspect of the zebra’s ability to hide and other “adaptations and evolutionary traits” just ‘happened’ out of the blue–throughout millions and/or billions of years. Really? Can we believe that the first zebra had no stripes? How did the first zebra appear? Where is the fossils of the zebra in various forms? Was it male or female? How did it procreate the first time? With all the blood suckers around before the zebra evolved pattern stripes... how did it survive the diseases caused and spread by flies?

zebra photo

How could the zebra and similar species have survived the relentless sucking of insects till the patterns grew to alleviate the problem? Why did it choose that bad location in Africa if it wasn’t adapted to the blood suckers early on before the stripes? How could so many species across the earth not die out before their evolutionary means of survival kicked in? Big bangs or explosions typically tear things apart not bring them so perfectly together! It was the miracle of a creation- not a once in a lifetime big bang event, that caused such a perfect species. If there was matter at the beginning... where did the matter originate? It takes a creative power to bring into existence something from nothing!

Yes, there was an event– it was the miracle of creation! Zebras and all creatures came into being at once– both male and female. Let’s look closer at evolution and do some critical thinking. We are to believe that the zebra was able to sprout color pigments over millions of years in its coat? And the animal in and of itself controls this growth to survive within itself and somehow produce its colors? Somehow NATURE knew which color and patterns to form and provide it at the same time and make sure each pattern was unique and DIFFERENT from other zebras? Shouldn't each stripe be the same if evolution occurred? Again, why haven’t scientists found all the animal kingdom fossils in different stages of evolution? You know... with one ear, three noses, etc. before the current form of the various creatures?

Zebras are just one example of living creatures that are perfect in their design and features! The Bible states that the whole creation of YHVH "was good!"

What about the argument that life started at one specific place and only there? We are to believe that at this hypothetical random location after an extreme incident (where did the matter that was to explode come from causing the incident?) a few special creatures began life and evolved from the goo and so on and here we are? The issue that no scientist wants to argue is that these one-of-a-kind species were later found by scientists in remote areas of the world that the species themselves could never have visited or migrated to– on other islands or continents! Found elsewhere were the same species with the same attributes, male and female. It was supposedly a specific place on Earth where a lightning strike/planet alignment occurred producing the Big Bang. Uh oh! No two places on earth have ever been found to be alike. Theory busted! Isn’t that something? The probability by mathematical calculations of such events occurring is a -negative outrageous number. Common sense tells us that something is amuck. These zebra stripes are just one aspect of one proof of intelligent design by our Creator.

The real explanation of the intelligent design of a zebra’s stripes and the entire planet for that matter– An Intelligent All Powerful Creator!

zebra photo from behind

“YHVH made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And YHVH saw that it was good. :26– Man was given the authority “to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.” GEN. 1:25,26 NIV (NAME USED)

Intelligent design demands an intelligent designer capable of such an activity. The Creator of life on earth would have to be greater and smarter than the creation! Apart from what humans have ruined– if one just stops a minute and opens their eyes… there is nothing but perfect beauty, design, and architecture in nature all around us. Every native species is perfect for its natural environment and body in its own way. What is the probability of that? How is that possible by fiat (chance)? The adaptability in all living things and nature itself is unbelievable and beyond anything humans are capable of nor can it just “happen” of itself. Cause and effect are real. Something has to “cause’ the initial event. Nature and our environment are ALIVE in their way from the grass to the trees to the millions of various species of flora and fauna. When a tree dies it provides habitat and nourishment for the subsequent generation and other living creatures. No human has such a power to make a living creature no matter the simplicity nor produce matter or any substance from nothing. It demands higher intelligence and capability. It could not happen by the means of someone less intelligent or a by chance occurrence.

Simple observation also reveals that no species alive on this planet is in a “state” of mutated evolution. As alluded to earlier… There are no boo-boos or mistakes to prove evolution on a large scale. Where is a one-winged bird with a lizard's tail or a three-legged tiger with a bird's beak? Silence. Most scientists only bring up the gaps between monkeys and man, but remain silent on the fact there are huge craters between every other creature known to mankind.

There are abnormalities and quirks today due to various human influences, and modifications due to or as a result of human-influenced ecological, environmental, and biological factors. Diseases and catastrophes do cause the wonderful gift of adaptation that was created within each being to kick in. This gift stays within its genetic makeup though... it does not jump species.

A living creature can change and adapt to a new environment in REAL TIME– and over years else how does it survive at all? A dead rotten piece of wood cannot make another, yet the flowers, acorns, and seed are germinating underneath the rotten wood to be fertilized! Each living thing has a means to recreate itself through offspring of the same species.

Any honest scientist will admit off-record (at least) that there are (way too) many gaps, errors, and guesses in the evolutionary hypothesis that can not be proven or explained by science! A hypothesis is a best guess. Over time too many have assumed guesses are fact! Especially when they hate religion. We have to take the scientific hypothesis of a god hater and/or atheist/agnostic in many cases. This does not mean that most scientists don't take their job seriously–no matter their religious or philosophical beliefs. But, let's be honest and fess up that there is no real explanation other than a sudden act of creation.

Survival and adaptability is not an evolutionary concept proving origins, it is a real event that occurs every day. Wild and domesticated animals “learn” from their successes and failures. What a mighty Creator! Man alone as the greater being can tame and domesticate wild animals– even elephants! The capability of ruling over the animals was given to humans by YHVH at creation as shown earlier.

Giraffes and Camels: Another Hard Explanation for the Evolutionist.

head shot of giraffe
 :12– “I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.” :22– Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am YHVH, and there is no other. ISAIAH 45:12; 22 BSB

Further, no scientist can fully explain nor prove their best guesses on the origin of species. Anomalies cannot be explained sensibly by scientists. Was the giraffe once a short-necked animal that survived Africa without it? Why didn’t the zebra grow a long neck? Why is the zebra neck perfectly proportioned to its body and its native lands? Uh? The scientists have no answer. ESPECIALLY when it comes to the more complex bodily functions such as DNA and cell activities.

As scientists see the countless instances of intelligent design of the earth and its inhabitants, they are searching more fervently than ever for an alternative, another answer, a replacement for evolution… yet deny the one true creator and seek a false god. Extraterrestrial forces or beings in galaxies far far away are a possible answer they exclaim! UFOs– have been sighted and there must be intelligent life greater than us out there flying around in spaceships, or saucers.

Some Scientists and atheists now turn to UFOs and alien life as an answer to questions of origin, design, and life. They are desperate for an explanation.

 ufo moving and a woman holding arm up

One has to twist their mind and not THINK logically to believe the evolution lie. How can perfection be achievable countless times or even possible by chance? An explosion and bubbling goo is another guess.. it came up out of the earth and started the process and made all that we have today– is that even a sane explanation? No! Where and how did the goo originate? There had to be a beginning or starting point for our planet and all physical things! Life can only come from the living. The chicken had to come before the egg! It took a rooster– a male member of every species to procreate with a female or else there is no life!

Our majestic planet and all that is a part of this wonderful creation is proof and a steady 24/7a reminder of YHVH’s great creative power and majesty. Praise Yah!


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