Against the Trinity


There is but one singular god with many attributes... not three individual gods. There are many problems with the Trinity doctrine. This is the first in a series of posts with scriptures and information disproving the Trinity doctrine. Any serious Biblical scholar must admit that the Trinity was unknown to the prophets and apostles and by Yeshua himself. Nor is the trinity concept a part of original inspired scripture. It has its roots in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman paganism...

The Trinity doctrine was made official at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD...

among other church “orthodox” beliefs. In scripture, we find that 1 John 5:7 was a late addition added to justify and confirm the Trinity, as well as the additions in the book of Mark.

Any change from an original version should give rise to questions as to the integrity of added or modified scriptures used “as proof” of a doctrine or concept. Were they altered prior to 325? According to multiple historical accounts, the bigger changes or alterations occurred prior to 175 AD—approximately midway between adopting the canon and the concept and trouble of Jesus and the Jewish God taking shape.

The Arian Controversy was an ongoing feud regarding the legitimacy of the Trinity doctrine. There were opposing views of the three persons of the Trinity and each position and questions concerning spirit or godly composition between the Father and Son. These competing alternative thoughts and teachings arose and were eventually almost squashed, but repeatedly popped back up as an issue for centuries. It lead to many schisms, violence among the believers, and deaths. Many believers or followers had minor qualms, not major disputes, but the Church wanted no competing thoughts. Especially thoughts that included that Jesus was not God– in the flesh, but that he was a created being and had a beginning or a different substance makeup than the Father. This line of thought or similar was looked upon as heresy, apostasy, and every other horrible description… of sin.

John 1:1 is the heart and soul of the Trinity doctrine. Here we have in plain words that there “is another separate being” that was with god and god, but not really… The unknown author establishes that the Word or Logos was with God and is God. And was made flesh and dwelt among us in verse 13. This is an obvious referral to Jesus we read and are lead to believe. It is pretty clear right? One would believe so unless there was corruption and deceit instigated by the early church fathers and/or scribes.

The word and concept of the Word or in Greek “logos” here signifying Jesus, has pre-New Testament and pagan historical connections with the beliefs of Philo, Heraclitus (and other philosophers), Egyptian mythology, and Hindu sacred texts and beliefs.

John 1:1 is plagiarized verbatim from Hindu documents regarding Vak or the “Word”, and Braham according to “The Garland of Letters” by Sir John Woodroffe, (1922); where he explains the concepts of Hinduism and translates much of the Hindu holy writings into the English language.

“This notion of the “Word” is very ancient. God ‘speaks’ the Word and the Thing appears… The ‘Divine’ Word is conceived of in the Hebrew Scriptures as having creative power… In Greek, Logos means thought, and the word which denotes the object of thought. To Heraclitus, Logos was the Principle underlying the universe… Philo, influenced by Platonisn and other philosophies of Hellenism, combined the two conceptions and read into the Old Testament and Jewish Theology a Being intermediate between It (that is ho on) and the manifold universe. This intermediate Being was the Logos.
"The Author of the Fourth Gospel took up these ideas but gave them expression in such a way as to serve Christian theological needs. It has thus been said that John’s adoption of the notion was not a mere copy, but a free adaptation of the Philonian Logos and a [Christianizing] of it.”

Referring to John 1:1, “These are the very words (John 1:1) of Veda[:] In the beginning was Brahman; with whom was Vak (or the Word); and the word is Brahman.” ” …Vak is no person in a Trinity…”
Sir John Woodroffe, (1922) “The Garland of Letters”

There is a lot more to share about the Hindu and/or Indian and Egyptian influences and connections to both Jesus and Christianity.

Scriptures and Stories Illustrating A Single Entity

The Book of Isaiah records the first prayer of Hezekiah in which Isaiah was seeking YHVH’s intervention and he addresses YHVH as a single being… “O Yah Almighty, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth…[I] know that you alone, O Yah, are God.” (Isaiah 37:16; :20) There is a singular one self entity and no others. Else the first two commandments would have to acknowledge another equal to or acceptable.

Hezekiah has a second recorded prayer that he offered to YHVH in order to save his life. YHVH responds, “I have heard your prayer and seen your tears, I will add 15 years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the King of Assyria… Here is my servant (Hezekiah), whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. (Isa. 42:1) Here YHVH is placing the Ruach or spirit or breath essence ON Hezekiah. This conversation is not indicative of another being at all. “I am YHVH; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. (42:8)

A single entity is described here too: “…Before Me no god was formed, nor will there be one after Me. I, even I, am YHVH,, and apart from Me there is NO Savior… Yes, and from ancient days I am He. No one can deliver out of My hand. When I act, who can reverse it? (Isa 43:10-13) This sentence is enough to establish that there is a lone supreme being that commanded us to have no other gods but Him in the commandments. Here He confirms that there was no being before or after Him. He is the lone being that has existence as “god”.

No entity is alluded to, or spoken of as having “god” status equal to or a part of YHVH in all the Old Testament. All others are false gods made with hands. This leads us to the four hundred year span between the Old and New Testaments. What happened to move from the Temple to synagogues to churches? How did the Romans who hated Jews and destroyed the Temple in 70 AD resolve to worship a Jewish carpenter’s son? The scriptures conflict about son of man and son of god. Why isn’t there harmony instead of contradictions? Is the Father greater than Him or not? Where did the human/god concept originate? We will explain in a later post.

More Scriptures

“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” (Isa. 43:25)

“…I will pour my spirit on your offspring…” (Isa. 44:3)

“This is what YHVH says–Israel’s king and redeemer, YHVH Almighty; I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no god.” (Isa. 44:6)

“…Is there any god besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.” (Isa. 44:8)”

“… who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself.” (Isa 44:24)

“I am YHVH, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no god. I form the light and create darkness.” (Isa. 45:5,7)

“Was it not I, YHVH? And there is no god apart from me, a righteous god and a Savior, there is none but me.” (Isa. 44:21)

“And now YHVH Almighty and His spirit have sent me.” (Isa. 48:16) (Possessive of Father.)

“…For it is His mouth that has given the order, and His Spirit will gather them (male/female animals) together.” NIV Zondervan. (Isaiah 34:16)


The FATHER speaks and it is done…(His spoken word reveals and unleashes His power.) He SPEAKS and His will is accomplished. An action is accomplished by the power of His spirit at His command.

The sacred name is important because it demonstrates that there is a proper name of our Creator and Father, not a common name such as “the Lord” to confuse everyone about the Old Testament. YHVH is neither Jesus nor the “Holy Spirit”.

Elohim is also a common noun or name and it does not solve the issue of a proper name. The Trinity teaching allowed the earliest church Fathers to interchange the three names as needed in the New Testament between the three triune members. It is clear that contradictions within the text and Jesus would be committing idolatry if he had actually claimed half of those referencing himself as an object of worship. Read some of the most controversial verses and replace Jesus with the Father and the light bulbs will turn on.

Hence the Father in many places starting in the pre-canon Gospels and in several other selected verses and books got a “face lift” and the Almighty above became Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit vice versa. “If they are all the same…it doesn’t really matter which name is used!”, or does it? IT REALLY DOES!!

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